POLITICS | 09/12/2024 | 16:40
di Nicolò Vallone
The Italian professional cycling league (Lega Ciclismo Professionistico) is expanding its structure by establishing 7 commissions, presented one by one this afternoon at the Coni Lombardia palace on Via Piranesi in Milan. After the introduction by President Roberto Pella, who before his speech read the greeting messages from the Presidents of the Chamber and Senate (Lorenzo Fontana and Ignazio La Russa) to emphasize the unity of intent between national political and cycling institutions to promote the practice of our beloved sport, it was time for connections with the Italy's coach Daniele Bennati, who reiterated his availability for Italian cycling regardless of his future as a technical commissioner, with FCI President Cordiano Dagnoni (best wishes to the commission and, in election times, hope to continue collaborating with the League) and with the Minister of Sport Andrea Abodi, who praised this League "restructuring", in the spirit of teamwork to embrace all aspects concerning the practice and passion for cycling. With a heartfelt thought for all cyclists, young and old, racing and on the roads, who have lost their lives on a bicycle.

Women's Cycling Development
(other members: Serena Danesi, Maria Laura Guardamagna, Chiara Spinato)

"I thank President Pella and the League for entrusting me with this new commission, which in my case continues the work I already do at RCS. A commission that starts from a synergy with the federal president Dagnoni to continue growing the women's movement and making it increasingly equal to the men's. Our goal is to promote the authority of women's cycling and create a women's race circuit under the banner of the Regions Cup, which 'debuted' this year in the men's sector. One of the ultimate aims is also the equalization of prize money, but in general anything."

FABIO ROSCIOLI [not to be confused with the former rider of the same name]
(other members: Jacopo Tognon, Maria Laura Guardamagna and Luca Mazzanti)

"This commission will follow the path of this League's activity, making the agents' work more responsible, who must truly protect the growth of athletes, and regulating this professional figure as much as possible by eliminating the gray areas at the regulatory level. It won't be easy, but we'll try to do it in the best possible way."

Athletes and Former Athletes for Promoting Cycling Values
(other members: Paolo Bettini and Daniele Bennati)

"I 'm enthusiastic about receiving this very stimulating role. Now that I am a former rider, my love for cycling must certainly not diminish. On the contrary, I will and we will always try to bring Italian cycling into the future, with the goal of returning to the top as a few years ago. We have a 'parterre de roi' that starts from Ganna and Viviani and goes up to Finn, our activities in other countries and from other countries in our territory (see Tour and Vuelta starts from Italy) are not lacking, and this is a great thing for promoting cycling even among new generations. We must therefore do our utmost to hand down this sport."

Technical Commission
(other members: Mario Chiesa, Luca Colombo, Oscar Pellicioli, Andrea Peschi, Paolo Pioselli)

"I'm returning to institutions after being president of the CPA and I'm happy to be able to take care of the safety issue, which is particularly close to my heart."

Design, Marketing and European Funds
(other members: Giusy Virelli, Maria Laura Spadaro, Chiara Spinato and Fabio Vegni)

"Roberto Pella has brought desire and enthusiasm and, if at first I didn't think I was up to the role, after seeing the team I will coordinate, I said 'yes, I'm in'! This is an ambitious commission that will seek high-level partnerships and attract precious funding: it's certainly not easy, but the profound meaning of our project is medium to long-term. But beyond and even before the money, what we are called to bring are ideas: not pie in the sky, but well-rooted and plantable on the ground."

Race Directors and Safety
(other members: Eugenio Amorosa, Fabio Vegni, Roberto Corradini, Gianluca De Filio, Stefano Allocchio)

"Form is substance and such an important establishment of these commissions is a perfect emblem of what this reorganization means, a political body through and through. Our commission has already developed a program that can make legal obligations for organizers simpler and more feasible."

Training and Role Management
(other members: Davide Goetz, Maurizio Evangelista, Stefano Feltrin, Cristian Salvato)

"I 'm an endocrinologist and university professor lent to institutions, for most of my life I have been involved in training in the university field, I'm president of the Government Committee for Biosafety and I believe that cycling practice is strongly linked to healthy lifestyles. I'm available to President Pella and the League to provide my contribution and my expertise in service of needs: I'm grateful for this role so 'original' compared to those I am used to in the extra-clinical field."

"Putting the value of the athlete at the center and relaunching our cycling" is the principle declared by Hon. Pella to close this institutional afternoon, which concluded with the statement of intent related to the development of relationships with broadcasters Rai and Eurosport to enhance the spread of cycling culture and the knowledge of the territory guaranteed by this sport. If this great manifesto will translate into concrete action, the next cycle will tell us, what seems to emerge clearly is a League that wants to expand its action and penetration in decision-making processes and development of Italian cycling.

Copyright © TBW
9 dicembre 2024 17:13 lupin3
Lega o FCI?

Da capire
9 dicembre 2024 18:06 Bullet
Più impalcature si creano nei processi decisionali più è difficile arrivare al nocciolo della questione ma magari mi sbaglio e ci stupiranno. Gli ex quelli che hanno detto com'è realmente il nostro ciclismo non sono stati coinvolti però, strano.

9 dicembre 2024 18:43 Miguelon
Più commissioni, più burocrazia, più problemi. Difficile non sia così, visto che dalla Sanità alla scuola ne abbiamo la conferma.

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