ORICA. Scott sarà il secondo nome

PROFESSIONISTI | 12/12/2016 | 09:40
ORICA-BikeExchange e Orica-AIS cambieranno denominazione e dal 2017 diventeranno Orica-Scott, in seguito alla firma di Scott Sports come nuovo co-sponsor.
Le squadre adotteranno il nuovo nome sin dal debutto domenica 1 gennaio alla Mitchelton Bay Cycling Classic in Australia.

Il general manager Shayne Bannan spiega: «Siamo entusiasti di avere in Scott un partner che accresce il proprio impegno. La loro crescita come sponsor è strettamente legata a quella della squadra e crediamo che questa partnership possa portarci a realizzare grandi cose nei prossimi anni».

Il vice presidente di Scott Sports SA Pascal Ducrot ha detto che la sponsorizzazione va oltre una semplice accordo economico e  che la scelta è stata un passo conseguente a tutto quello che in questi anni Orica e Scott hanno fatto insieme.

«Scott e GreenEDGE Cycling sono insieme sin dalla prima gara - spiega Ducrot -. Fin dall'inizio la nostra filosofia condivisa è stata quella di far crescere giovani talenti e oggi siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che stiamo aumentando il livello del nostro impegno. Noi siamo qui perché crediamo che ci sia ancora un enorme potenziale e tanto spazio per crescere».

Oltre all'utilizzo della gamma completa di biciclette Scott Sports, il team Orica potrà contare anche sulla componentistica specializzata Syncros: «Fanno prodotti incredibili - spiega Ducrot - che si integrano perfettamente con la nostra biciclette e con la filosofia della squadra».

ORICA-BikeExchange and ORICA-AIS will be known as Orica-Scott from 2017, following the signing of Scott Sports as a new co-naming rights sponsor.
Announced with the reveal of a new 2017 kit today, the teams will adopt the new name from their 2017 season debut at the Mitchelton Bay Cycling Classic on Sunday, 1 January in Australia.
Scott has been the outfit’s official bike sponsor since its inception as Australia’s first ever WorldTour team, GreenEDGE Cycling, in 2012. Their increased commitment will see the men’s and women’s teams share the same name for the first time in history.
General manager Shayne Bannan welcomed Scott, proud to move towards the future with a partner who shares the team’s values and ambitions.
“We are thrilled to have Scott step up into a major, co-naming rights sponsor for our team,” Bannan said. “Their progression as a sponsor follows ours as a team and together we believe the partnership will achieve great things in the coming years.”
“We are committed to providing our men and women the best environment and equipment to achieve maximum results.  Scott Sports’ dedication to this cause, right from day one, has already seen us come a long way since our inception. Now, together, we look forward to taking the next major steps.
“After a breakout 2016 season, we are extremely excited for what 2017 holds for us.”
Scott Sports SA Vice President Pascal Ducrot said the sponsorship goes beyond a simple transaction and its commitment was the obvious next step in what is a long term commitment to the team’s potential.
“Scott and GreenEDGE Cycling go back to the beginning, to the first race,” Ducrot said. “We recognised from the start that our shared philosophy around building young talent has been our advantage.”
“Today we are really proud to announce that we are upping the level of our commitment. This is the next step, and for us it was quite obvious. We are here to build on the success of the team because we believe there is still tremendous potential.
“Another real advantage of our partnership is their talents off the bike. Their team culture and the way they use individual performance to drive a team spirit is very similar to how we run our company.”
In addition to the use of Scott Sport’s Foil, Addict and Solace bike range, the team will also benefit from access to the full Scott Sports group, including bicycle components brand Syncros.
“To be successful at this level you simply have to have the best equipment,” Ducrot continued. “We know this as well as anyone so we are putting the full force of the Scott Sports group behind this partnership.”  
“This way GreenEDGE Cycling can benefit from our expertise across every category. The best example of this is probably Syncros. They make incredible products that integrate seamlessly with our bike. It’s a huge win for the team.”
Syncros product manager Christophe Dadaschi said Syncros joined Scott in committing to the team’s ongoing ambitions.
“Built on the shoulders of passionate cyclists, Syncros has always been looking forward,” Dadaschi said. “We can proudly say that our partnership with Orica-Scott represents the brightest possible future.”
“Our long term vision is to collaborate on new innovations that will let the athletes and the sport push harder and faster. With such a young, talented and hungry team we see a major opportunity to align our cycling goals.”  

Copyright © TBW
12 dicembre 2016 11:11 lele
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