BAHRAIN MERIDA. L'avventura parte dalla Croazia

PROFESSIONISTI | 19/10/2016 | 17:21
Prenderà il via ufficialmente dalla Croazia, e in particolare da Porec, l’avventura del Team Bahrein Merida: dal 25 al 28 ottobre, infatti, si svolgerà il primo raduno del team, al quale prenderanno parte Vincenzo Nibali, Heinrich Haussler, Grega Bole, Manuele Boaro, Giovanni Visconti, Sonny Colbrelli, Luka Pibernik, Feng Chun - Kai, Enrico Gasparotto, Niccolò Bonifazio, Iván García Cortina, Valerio Agnoli, Ion Izaguirre e altri corridori che saranno annunciati nei prossimi giorni.
«Questo camp è molto importante - spiega il general manager Brent Copeland - perché sarà l’occasione per una presa di contatto tra i corridori, lo staff e gli sponsor. I corridori discuteranno i programmi, prenderanno contatto con regole e procedure del team, gli sponsor avranno la possibilità di incontrare tutti i corridori e prendere le loro misure per essere pronti in vista del prossimo camp che si svolgerà nel mese di dicembre. Ciò che mi rende davvero orgoglioso è il fatto che il nostro co - sponsor MERIDA presenterà tre biciclette per la nuova stagione proprio in occasione di questo ritiro. Abbiamo scelto di venire a Parenzo perché è una località in posizione strategica ideale e l’Hotel Valamar Diamant offre servizi di classe elevata».

«Sappiamo che l’arrivo del Team Bahrain Merida è un evento molto importante per l'Istria, Parenzo, Valamar Riviera, e in generale per il turismo in Croazia - ha dichiarato Vladimir Miholjevic, direttore tecnico della Top Sport Events, la società che organizza tour di Croazia -. La costa di Parenzo è una delle mete turistiche più visitate in Croazia, ma grazie agli sforzi degli esperti e in particolare di una società leader del turismo in Croazia come Valamar Riviera, può diventare un punto di riferimento anche per il mondo del ciclismo».

Valamar Diamant Hotel 4* in Poreč will be hosting the first official training camp of BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team from October 25th to 28th. Training camp will be attended by the riders, sport directors, doctors, technical staff and management in order for everyone to gather together and start planning and preparing for the 2017 season. The final roster of BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team, selected by aspiration of creating a successful team that is motivated by a need for constant progress will be exclusively revealed during the training camp in Poreč, at the team’s first official press conference that will be held in Valamar Diamant Hotel. Captain of the team is Vincenzo Nibali, who is surrounded by a roster of talented riders, such as Heinrich Haussler, Grega Bole, Manuele Boaro, Giovanni Visconti, Sonny Colbrelli, Luka Pibernik, Feng Chun-­‐kai, Enrico Gasparotto, Niccolò Bonifazio, Iván García Cortina, Valerio Agnoli, Ion Izaguirre and other to be announced. “This training camp is very important first step in getting team acquainted with each other, the entire staff and team procedures, sponsors and other partners. Riders will discuss the schedule, rules and procedures, means of communication and all other important facts regarding the team. Sponsors will have a chance to meet all the riders and to take their measures to be ready with the all equipment later in December for the next training camp. What makes me really proud is the fact that our co-­‐title sponsor MERIDA will present three bikes for new season, making it another exclusive during our training camp. We chose to come to Poreč and the Valamar Riviera group because it is the ideal location and Valamar Diamant offers top world-­‐ class facilities that meet our high standards”, said Brent Copeland, General Manager of the team. “This is a very important event for Istria, Poreč, Valamar Riviera, and in general for positioning Croatia on the global map of cycling. Taking into consideration the position, climate and the terrain characteristics, we have a great potential to become one of the top destinations for big cycling events. A good example is Mallorca whose income heavily relies on road cycling, especially in the months leading up to the main summer season. When I say this, I don’t only mean the numerous cycling teams, but the cycling enthusiasts who follow their idols and various researches show that those kind of guests prefer higher quality hotel accommodation and are willing to spend on different tourist products and services", stated Vladimir Miholjević, sports and technical director of Top Sports Events, the company that organizes Tour of Croatia and assistant sport director of BMPCT in 2017 and a training camp coordinator. The coast of Poreč is one of the most visited tourist destination in Croatia but thanks to the efforts by tourism experts, especially leading tourism company in Croatia Valamar Riviera, it becomes famous also as cyclo-­‐tourism destination, as well as the entire Istria. Davor Brenko, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at the Valamar Riviera company confirmed this and expressed his satisfaction with this visit: "We are very proud that once again we have the opportunity to host renowned cycling team in Poreč. The fact that BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team chose Valamar Diamant Hotel for its first official training camp confirms that our efforts in developing cyclo-­‐tourism are giving positive results and encourages us to take the full advantage of the potential our destinations have. Valamar Riviera is the trendsetter when it comes to cyclo-­‐tourism in Croatia, with the ambition to hold this position in the future. Our brand Valamar Loves Bike is present on the market for many years, we have developed six specialized bike hotels that offer the high standards of service.” Istria is a very important part of international cycling race Tour of Croatia that will be held in April 2017 for the third consecutive time. “First official training camp of BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team is a confirmation that we have succeeded in presenting Croatia to the best cyclists in the world. Not only as the place where international cycling race Tour of Croatia is held but also as a destination that offers a wide range of different sports and tourist motives. We are particularly pleased that our efforts are showing great results and we wish a warm welcome to the entire BMPCT team”, said Ivan Črnjarić, event and marketing director of Top Sports Events, the company that organizes Tour of Croatia.
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