EVENTS | 10/01/2025 | 09:10
Maurizio Fondriest's 2025 begins with the enthusiasm of new challenges. In the year of his sixtieth birthday (15 january 1965) the world champion from Ronse 1988 prepares for an adventure in which he will retrace the most beautiful moments of his career and more. The goal this time is participation in Gravel Burn 2025, a seven-stage gravel competition that will take place in South Africa from October 26 to November 1.
"I will start from my childhood, going through my first victories, the World Championship, and all the wonderful experiences I've lived," explains Fondriest. "Carlotta, my daughter, will be by my side, and we'll pedal together for seven days. After each stage, in the evening, we'll gather around the fire, and it will be the right moment to start evoking memories. Storytelling is the key word of this journey, it has a very important value. Just like the people I've met during these years and, especially, my family. My wife Ornella and my children Maria Vittoria and Lorenzo will join us in the last days, to conclude this experience together and share the emotions of the finish line."
The idea was born from a conversation between Maurizio and Kevin Vermaak, creator of the Cape Epic and also organizer of the Gravel Burn, an authentic novelty in the gravel event landscape. The objective is to remember the most intense and touching moments of his career and more. The anecdotes that bring him back to his childhood, his approach to cycling, the dreams and goals achieved. The path leading to the competition will thus become a true introspective journey that will involve friends, family, and great champions to tell about preparation, anecdotes, and technique.
"Maurizio and I met 15 years ago," commented Vermaak, "when he first came to the Cape Epic. It is therefore an incredible honor for me that he returns to South Africa this year to celebrate a moment of life so closely aligned with the inauguration of our race. I can't wait to show Maurizio and Carlotta the incredible dirt roads of the Karoo and let them experience the community spirit of the Gravel Burn, which they will share with off-road riders from all over the world."
Although the World Champion's intention is not to compete, the stages of the Gravel Burn will be fully competitive. The seven stages are on average 110 km long, with an elevation gain constantly between 1000 and 2000 meters. The true plus of the race is the scenery in which one pedals: from Knysna to Shamwari, crossing the heart of an extraordinary territory among unspoiled nature reserves and wild beauty.
"I like the idea that the route is emotionally similar to what we experience during existence," he adds. "Adaptability is needed, sometimes the road is rough and lacks comfort. But it is only by trying to overcome oneself and moving forward that one can discover the beautiful things in store for you."
Tomorrow, Saturday, January 11 at 6:30 PM on Rai 2, a service will air in which Maurizio Fondriest will delve into the details of this adventure. The journey begins now under the banner of the values that have always characterized the world champion's career: sacrifice, gratitude, tenacity, passion, family.

Copyright © TBW
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