CYCLOCROSS | 25/11/2024 | 08:04
Spectacle. It was truly a spectacle, the 7th stage of the Triveneto Trophy. Credit goes to over 400 participants, the numerous spectators, and the excellent organization by Fox Team. From the control room, Pietro Lucatello and Yari Cisotto directed a group of people who knew how to prepare everything perfectly, from the track to the exhibition area that surrounded the event. In San Pietro in Gu, the 9th Brenta Cyclocross, Morbiato Trophy, was held, which proposed numerous innovations to the race track. Although predominantly flat, the course presented itself as technical and spectacular. 3.1 kilometers divided into two sections, the "Smp zone", where more power is needed, and the "Ursus zone", the more technical part. The start was on asphalt and followed, after entering the grass, by a short but challenging staircase and two ditches. In the second section of the track comes the most important novelty of this edition: a 40-meter sand section.
Among the numerous spectators were also several authorities from the Italian Cycling Federation, technical commissioner Daniele Pontoni, off-road commission president Massimo Ghirotto, and Triveneto Trophy manager Igino Michieletto.
The most anticipated race, reserved for Open categories, was a crescendo of emotions. In fact, it was a long wait until a vibrant final lap. A group of 5 riders was selected and remained compact throughout the race. The decisive attack, at the beginning of the final lap, was by Treviso native Lorenzo De Longhi, who was followed by Friulian Cristian Calligaro. Attacks and counter-attacks, accelerations one after another, were not enough to decide the winner. In the final sprint, Lorenzo De Longhi (Sanfiorese) prevailed over Cristian Calligaro (Ktm Alchemist). For the Treviso native, born in 2006, in his first year in the Under 23 category, this is his first victory among the Open. Third place, almost 5 seconds behind, went to Tommaso Tabotta (Dp66). Behind him finished Martino Fruet (Team Lapierre) and Emanuele Huez (Cs Carabinieri).
The Women's Open race, on the other hand, offered a dominant performer. Rebecca Gariboldi, from Lissone and adopted by Brescia (Ale Cycling Team), knew how to master the race track and build an important advantage as the laps progressed. The second step of the podium was conquered by Friulian Alice Papo (Dp66). Third place went to the eternal Bolzano native Eva Lechner (Ale Cycling Team).
Among the juniors, the daughter of art Giorgia Pellizotti (Sanfiorese) was in the lead alone from the first to the last lap. The race reserved for juniors was extremely uncertain. In the last laps, Pietro Cao and Leonardo Schiavo were protagonists of a beautiful duel. In the final stages, Treviso native Pietro Cao (Bosco Orsago) took a few but decisive seconds of advantage that allowed him to celebrate on the Brenta Cyclocross track. Behind him, 8 seconds back, was Vicenza native Leonardo Schiavo (Gc Montegrappa). Third position, 41 seconds back, went to Treviso native Pietro Deon (Sanfiorese).
The youth races were, as always, thrilling. Among the second-year juniors, a narrow victory for Treviso native Matteo Martini (Gs Mosole) over Riccardo Rosso (Fiumicello) and Massimo Bagnariol (BTeam Cyclocross). A victory by a margin among the first-year juniors for Riccardo Nadal (Sanfiorese). In the women's field, arms raised for Italian champion Nicole Righetto (Velociraptors) and Rebecca Anzisi (Jam's Bike), respectively among the second and first-year junior girls. The competitions reserved for beginners were won by Simone Brutti (Sc Barbieri) and the Italian champion Irene Righetto (Velociraptors). In the Masters, victories went to Marco Gazzola (Bibione Cycling) in Fascia 1, Carmine Del Riccio (Sunshine Racers) in Fascia 2, Sergio Giuseppin (Delizia Bike) in Fascia 3, Flavio Zoppas (El Coridor) in Fascia 4, and Chiara Selva (Spezzotto Bike) among the Masterwoman. Comment by Pietro Lucatello, president of Fox Team. The motto of these days was "meteghe un fia de susta", meaning put in charge and grit. Today and in these days, all our collaborators and athletes have put in a lot of susta. We are extremely happy with how the event turned out. We did not expect such high numbers in the youth categories and believe this bodes well for the movement. Today's result gives us the charge to think big about the 10th edition of a race that is becoming a small classic. To next year!

Copyright © TBW
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