NEWS | 10/01/2025 | 08:14
di Giorgia Monguzzi

The myth of Luigi Ganna and his eponymous team comes back to life thanks to the creation of a team for young cyclists based in the birthplace of the first Giro d'Italia winner in Induno Olona. The Ganna team was founded by the Varese champion in 1913 and for forty years marked an important chapter in Italian cycling history, hosting champions like Ottavio Bottecchia, Pino Cerami, and Fiorenzo Magni, who in 1951 won his second Giro d'Italia wearing the Ganna jersey.

This is a special comeback that, as tradition dictates, will have only one registered rider for its first year of activity. In 1913, the year of its creation, it had only Ganna in its ranks, then when it resumed in 1923, only Bottecchia, and finally in 1947, only Cerami. For 2025, the only athlete wearing the colors of the Varese athlete will be Luca, G4 category and already provincial champion; a fellow citizen of Ganna, he grew up in his myth and stories, but above all with the dream of one day becoming a professional cyclist.

The Ganna team project was strongly desired by several personalities from the cycling world, including Andrea Stocco, born in '70 and a former cyclist who, after retiring from professional cycling, worked extensively to promote the values of epic cycling, especially to the younger generations. Stocco, in the role of team president, will be supported by a board of directors with ambitious ideas to restore the name of the first Giro d'Italia winner. Many sponsors believed in the project, first among them Cicli Giubilato, which retrieved the Ganna bike brand, but none of them will appear on the jersey, which will only have the inscription "Ganna".

The Ganna Team has the full support of the municipalities of Induno Olona and Varese, but especially of the Lombardy Regional Council. After the first year with a single athlete, the team will be opened to other boys and girls who dream of cycling; the objective is not only to try to become champions, but to transform into better people by doing what they love. Starting from September 2025, a series of meetings will begin in many elementary schools in the area to introduce young students to the myth of Luigi Ganna and bring them closer to cycling and all its values.

Copyright © TBW
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