DONNE | 15/10/2024 | 08:06
di Luca Galimberti

Domenica ha sfiorato il podio nell’ultima tappa del Simac Ladies Tour e poche ore dopo il Team Liv AlUla Jayco ne ha annunciato il rinnovo di contratto: Silke Smulders vestirà la maglia del team australiano fino alla fine del 2026.

Vincitrice della prima tappa della Vuelta Ciclista Andalucia davanti alle compagne Mavi Garcia e  Ella Wyllie, la 23enne dei Paesi Bassi è felice di continuare la sua carriera in Liv AlUka Jayco e ha dichiarato: «Quest'anno ho fatto passi da gigante grazie al supporto del team. Mi sento molto bene qui alla Liv AlUla Jayco, sono circondata da persone competenti che trasmettono positività e lavorano sodo. Mi sento molto fortunata nel far parte di questa squadra e voglio continuare a crescere nei prossimi due anni come ho fatto quest'anno. Voglio diventare importante per la squadra e di cogliere le opportunità per vincere». Nel curriculum di Silke sono da rimarcare anche il tredicesimo posto in Generale al Giro d’Italia Women e le belle prestazioni al Tour de France Femmes.

Oltre a Smulders, altre due atlete “orange” hanno prolungato il proprio contratto con la squadra del General Manager Copeland: La 28enne Jeanne Korevaar, vincitrice della classifica dei GPM al Simac Ladies Tour, e la 26enne Quinty Ton, quinta classificata nella tappa piemontese della UCI Gravel World Series disputata a fine agosto.

« Rinnovare i contratti di queste tre atlete è stato molto piacevole per noi. Tutte, a pieno titolo, hanno dato molto alla squadra quest'anno e mentre Liv AlUla Jayco e costituiscono le fondamenta di un solido gruppo. Speriamo in grandi cose nel 2025 e siamo molto felici di tenere avere ancora con noi tre atlete talentuose» ha dichiarato Copeland.

English Version - Versione Inglese

 Dutch trio Jeanne Korevaar, Silke Smulders and Quinty Ton have all put pen to paper, inking new two-year contracts with Liv AlUla Jayco after all finding their place within the GreenEDGE Cycling family.The three talents came over to Liv AlUla Jayco in January 2024 following the merger with their former team Liv Racing TeqFind, and the trio quickly found their feet, proving to be crucial team members, each in their own right. After racing as a pro for the past 10 seasons, Korevaar has a wealth of experience and has used it throughout her first year with Liv AlUla Jayco as a determined and loyal teammate. Ready to challenge for more in 2025, the 28-year-old 'Dutchie' is looking to grow with the squad over the next two years.

“I’ve really enjoyed this year, which is important for me to be able to perform well. I’ve seen myself and the team grow during the races from the beginning until now. The progress is really important. I often start as the road captain, and I’m developing myself in that role. This team is special because of its culture. We race with a plan, and everyone is committed to that plan. Alongside the hard work, there is also room for fun. I think this combination is important.In the coming years, I want to improve and achieve results together with the team. My specialty lies in the spring season, and I’m already looking forward to it. I hope to showcase myself and the team there and be valuable for sprint finishes and aggressive racing."

Young Silke Smulders has enjoyed a standout season, most notably after her late call up to the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift, where she consistently placed highly on the stages whilst also racing in a support role. Her victory at the Vuelta Ciclista Andalucia and 13th place overall at the Giro d’Italia demonstrated her ability and talent and brings a lot of motivation heading into the new season. “This year I made huge steps as a rider, thanks to the support of the team in all different areas. I just feel in my place here at Liv AlUla Jayco surrounded by hard working, positive people. What I found special is that we are there for each other and want to improve together and can push each other. I feel very lucky to be a part of this team. I want to keep building over the next two years like I did this year and be a key asset to the team and dare to take opportunities to win.”

After a hampered start to the 2024 racing season following an injury, Ton managed to fight her way back and begin racing again with the team in May. She quickly found her race rhythm with a superb second-place finish at Vuelta Ciclista Andalucia. Over the remainder of the season, Ton has proven herself to be a trusty teammate, helping Liv AlUla Jayco in a wide range of race situations with still a lot more inside of the gutsy 26-year-old.

“⁠Despite a nasty start to the season, which left me out of action for the first half, the team has given me a lot of confidence and support. It feels like we have just started and I am happy that I can continue to work on my rehabilitation in this environment and come all the way back to my level next year (and hopefully a bit better). 

 It is a very professional environment, but at the same time it feels familiar. The Australian vibe that prevails in the team also matches well with the Dutch culture brought by the Dutch girls and staff. Next year I hope to continue this and have a good spring, in which I can show myself. Next to that, I hope to be of value for both the GC riders and the sprinters in their hunt for victories.” 

 Brent Copeland - General Manager

“Renewing the contracts of these three riders was very pleasing for us. They have all, in their own right, given a lot to the team this year and as Liv AlUla Jayco continues to grow, these riders make up the foundations of a solid group of riders. We’re hoping for big things in 2025 and we’re very happy to keep these three talented riders onboard.” 




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