INTERVIEW | 04/02/2025 | 08:19
di Danilo Viganò

Filippo Grigolini on the podium kissing his bronze medal. His parents Andrea and Anna, who came to Lievin, France, to follow their son at the Cyclocross World Championship, have tears of joy. An Italian fairy tale with the world title of Mattia Agostinacchio and Grigolini's third place, the Friulian boy who was the authentic surprise of the world challenge. Italian cross-country cycling has found another young promise, continuing the renewal cycle started last season with Stefano Viezzi's triumph, also from Friuli. A reward for city coach Daniele Pontoni, who has rebuilt the off-road sector.

"I started strong, to stay at the front," Grigolini, 16, recounts. "I was around tenth position when I fell in the first lap and lost about 30 seconds from the leaders. Then I started to recover and choose the best lines on the icy ground. I noticed I had something more than others in handling the bike, and so in the last lap I caught up with Agostinacchio and the French rider Bruyere who were leading at that moment. Then Mattia flew away to victory, I lost some meters from the French rider but managed to gain a few meters over the Spanish rider Noval and finish in third place. I can't believe it, I'm extremely happy, it was a goal and I achieved it".

Strong emotions for Grigolini who the day before the race found himself riding on the wheel of Mathieu Van Der Poel, his great idol.
"It was an exciting moment, a rare, beautiful, and memorable sensation that doesn't happen every day. Can you imagine, me on Van Der Poel's wheel, with Pezzo Rosola completely absorbed by the emotion and at the same time eager to learn something in those few moments together. It was the same emotion I experienced when I stood on the world race podium".

The revelation from Team Cingolani Specialized went to receive the embrace of fans, parents, the Italian staff, and many enthusiasts. Everyone celebrating the boy from Udine who studies at the Scientific High School.
"I became passionate about cyclocross watching the great interpreters of this specialty and never stopped. I enjoy splashing in the mud and racing on meadows. If I'm sincere, I started as a biker when I was 5 years old. With mountain bike I've collected a lot, won two Italian titles and numerous races, but now the doors to road cycling are also opening. This year, besides cross-country," Filippo continues, "I'll do a lot of road activity with Borgo Molino Vigna Fiorita".

Humble origins and very clear ideas in Grigolini's head, dressing well and choosing clothes that enhance his personality is a bit of a weakness. Cold and confident, he transforms on the bike, and at the world championship he never lost focus - at his age, this clarity is rare.
"This is just the beginning, I dream of growing as a rider, gaining experience to become number one. After Covid, I even thought about quitting, I wasn't having fun anymore. But then came the proposal from Jam's Bike Team Buja, whose headquarters are just 5 minutes from my home. Thanks for these years together, I've grown both as a person and as a rider. I wore this jersey with pride and respect, and I want to thank Robi Ursella for guiding me".

Seventeen in October, born in 2008, Filippo Grigolini lives in Udine with his parents Andrea (surveyor) and Anna (high school teacher) and younger sisters Alice and Giulia who practice Artistic Gymnastics at a national level. He attends the Scientific High School at Marinelli Institute in Udine. Cycling-wise, he was formed in Team Granzon of Cividale and then wearing the colors of Jam's Bike Team Buja. 180 cm tall weighing 60 kg, he was the Italian champion of Team Realy MTB and Cyclocross in 2022, Italian Cyclocross champion for first and second-year juniors in 2023-2024, and mountain bike champion for second-year juniors last year in Gorizia. At the recent Italian Cyclocross Championships in Faè di Oderzo, he won silver in the Team Relay and bronze in the individual junior category won by Patrik Pezzo Rosola.

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