MERCATO | 28/09/2019 | 07:34

Théo Delacroix ha firmato il suo primo contratto professionistivo: il campione francese degli U23 passerà professionista dal 1° agosto 2020 fino alla fine del 2022 con la maglia della Wanty-Gobert-Tormans.

Il giovane  francese quest'anno è stato nono alla Liegi-Bastogne-Liegi U23 e alla Annemasse-Bellegarde et retour e ha esordito come stagista della formazione belga disputando la Vuelta a Burgos.

«Sono molto felice di approdare alla Wanty-Gobert-Tormans nell'agosto del prossimo anno, una scelta logica dopo il mio periodo da stagista. Avrò la possibilità di familiarizzare con il team e di costruire la mia carriera passo dopo passo. Mi aspetto di acquisire ulteriore esperienza nella categoria U23 in primavera, al fine di arrivare con un bagaglio sportivo migliore nel gruppo dei pro in agosto. Sono grato per la collaborazione tra CC Etupes e Wanty-Gobert: da quando ci siamo incontrati al nostro camp in Spagna a gennaio, la nostra collaborazione è cresciuta. Guillaume Martin e i direttori sportivi Sébastien Demarbaix e Jean-Marc Rossignon mi hanno aiutatoguidato a tirar fuori il meglio di me stesso, voglio ringraziare loro e Jean-François Bourlart per la fiduciache hanno mostrato nei miei confronti».


After a succesful campaign as a trainee with Wanty-Gobert, Théo Delacroix signed his first pro contract. The French U23 champion, who will be at the start of his first World Championships in Yorkshire this Friday, becomes pro on the 1st of August 2020 until the end of 2022 with Wanty-Gobert-Tormans. Together with Jérémy Bellicaud, the 20 year old is an element coming out of the partnership with CC Etupes, the team directed by Boris Zimine for which he will ride the spring classics in 2020 before stepping up to the professional circuit.

The young French rider standed out thanks to top 10 finishes in Liège-Bastogne-Liège U23 (9th) and Annemasse-Bellegarde et retour (9th), and a 14th place in both the final classification in the Tour du Jura and in Paris-Mantes en Yvelines. After the Tour of Burgos as a trainee with Wanty-Gobert, he became the French U23 champion, and showed he has the right stuff. He'll show the French tricolore in the U23 peloton at the start of 2020, before starting his neopro campaign with Wanty-Gobert-Tormans.

Théo Delacroix : « I'm very happy to join Wanty-Gobert-Tormans in August next year, a logical choice after my period as a trainee. The next three years I get the opportunity to familiarize myself with the team and to build my career step by step. I expect to gain a lot of experience in the U23 category in the French tricolore in the spring, in order to arrive with a bigger sportive baggage in the pro peloton in August. »
« I'm very grateful for the partnership between CC Etupes and Wanty-Gobert. Since we met at our training camp in Spain in January, our connection grew. Finally, I was given the opportunity to join the team as a trainee. My varied race program was optimal to prepare the French and World Championships. Guillaume Martin and sportive directors Sébastien Demarbaix and Jean-Marc Rossignon guided me to bring out the best in myself. I want to thank them and Jean-François Bourlart for their confidence, I'm eager to achieve my next goals with them! » 
Jean-François Bourlart : « The step up of Théo Delacroix to the pro ranks is a perfect fit in our development strategy. The French rider, well-trained within CC Etupes, showed during his period as a trainee that he has the capabilities to integrate a professional team.  He has taken advantage of the accumulated rhythm in pro races to become the French national U23 champion in Beauvais. Consequently, it was an evidence to offer Théo the possibility to step up to Wanty-Gobert-Tormans. He will perfect his development with CC Etupes in the sprint and compete in the biggest U23 classics, before finishing his season in the pro peloton. His arrival, together with Jérémy Bellicaud, is a nice result from our partnership with CC Etupes, which we established last winter. »
Copyright © TBW
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